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Burning wood logs that are too wet, gives a lot less heat and can cause problems in your chimney.

Burning wood is environmentally friendly since it's considered carbon neutral and reduces your carbon footprint. The carbon dioxide released during combustion balances the carbon dioxide that was absorbed during its growth. Hardwoods and softwoods share similar energy contents, but more softwood is required to produce the same heat.

Data quoted from Euroheat website:

1000 Litres of Heating Oil Corresponds to:
Approx 5 - 6 rm hardwood, stacked log wood
Approx 7 - 8 rm softwood, stacked log wood
1rm = 1 cubic metre stacked

The most important factor to considered when using logs as fuel is their MOISTURE CONTENT.

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Burning high moisture wood is incredibly inefficient and a waste of money.

Burning logs with water content greater than 20% can lead to potentially dangerous chimney problems.

The build up of tar / creosote which is difficult to remove either mechanically or chemically can result in a chimney fire.

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Burn Seasoned Logs

If unseasoned logs are burnt the fire or wood burning stove will spend the first 50% of its energy evaporating the water before it can burn the wood.

This means twice as much fuel is being used to achieve the same temperature from the wood burner

There is a tendency to underestimate the moisture in wood. Sourcing a supply of seasoned logs is difficult so buying logs in advance (store until moisture content is less than 20%) and purchasing a moisture meter will save frustration, time and money.

Wood should be stored in a well ventilated wood shed like the one above constructed by Jake Inglis (07767 683733)

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What Our Client Say

Typical moisture content of WINTER felled trees -

  • 76


  • 88


  • 124


  • 47


  • 144


  • 75

    Wych Elm(%)

  • 89


  • 150


  • 69


Wood Logs Suppliers


Leaving damp or wet logs next to a stove or fire for a day or two will not season them and can be unhealthy for allergy or asthma sufferers (mould spores etc) as well as being a potential fire hazard.

Call now to book your chimney service appointment:

Tel : 07970 165 828